5 Tips for Proper Computer Posture and Managing workstation stress and tension!
1. Limit Your Sitting Time
Sitting at your desk for long periods of time can cause your posture to breakdown, while stress and tension continues to build. Instead of working for hours at a time, try to build in mini-breaks throughout your workday. A great goal is to get up and move every 1 hour. This allows you to get blood flow moving through your body, changes your posture, and ultimately allows you to reset your posture back into a good position. In these breaks, stand up, stretch out, and walk around. The name of the game is consistent changes in your posture throughout the day.
2. Adjust Your Desk
Desk set-up matters when it comes to proper posture. Ideally we want to think about a neutral position; meaning feet flat on the floor, hip and knee angles at 90 degrees, butt and back pressed all the way back against the chair, ideally a lumbar support to support your lower back, desk height adjusted to keep arms and shoulders at a relaxed 90 degree angle with a neutral wrist angle as well, set your computer monitor at eye level. The closer we can set up our workstation to neutral, the more efficiently our posture will be able to adapt to stress and tension.
3. Sit in Your Chair Properly
Properly sitting in your chair can dramatically affect the way your back feels at the end of the day. Make sure you sit all the way back in your chair and keep your feet planted on the floor as well. Your lower back should be touching the chair back (ie., the lumbar support). Try to avoid sitting on the edge of your seat or crossing your legs.
4. Invest in Computer Ergonomics
Ergonomic computer equipment is a small yet impactful way to improve your posture. Invest in a mouse that molds to your hand and sits close to you - like a wireless mouse. As for the keyboard, choose one that you can rest your wrist on if need be. Get a wireless headset or a speaker if you plan on using the phone as part of your day. The goal of our workstation is to create the most neutral position as possible.
5. Utilize a Standing Desk
Standing desks are a great way to change your position during the course of the day. Same thought process comes into play as a seated workstation, we want to create the most efficient neutral workstation as possible. If you are just starting out with a standing desk, ease your way into the change by building your stamina and endurance of standing all day (maybe an hour or two sitting, then an hour or two standing). Ideally, posture breaks are still a must every 1 hour (sit down for a few minutes, stretch, take a break) something to change positions.
A great thought process is to honestly evaluate your workstation and assess how you feel at the end of the day. If you feel stress and tension building, resulting in pain or discomfort in your body, think about making some changes to improve your workstation. Ultimately, we want to work on the little things that add up to the big things and setting yourself up for success with a correct workstation is key!