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  • Jordan Johnson

Get Well, Stay Well, Live Well!

Get Well, Stay Well, Live Well!

"You are as young as your spine is flexible." - Joseph Pilates

The modern world is unnaturally stressful. We work very hard, play very hard, have a lot of daily stress factors and repeat this over and over again. How we allow our body to adapt to these consistent stressors is key to living a high quality of life. One of the keys to handling stress and tension on your body, spine, and nerves is consistent Chiropractic care!

The brain controls all functions in the body. How it does this is through a software we call the nervous system. The nervous system is one part brain / one part spine and spinal cord. Branching off the spinal cord are nerves which transmit messages to all parts of the body 24/7. Our software is protected by our hardware; the skull protects the brain & the spine protects the spinal cord and nerves. So having a healthy functioning spine with great alignment, balance, motion and movement is key!

When spinal motion, movement, and alignment are in balance; it allows the spine to have great function and it keeps inflammation and scar tissue at bay. However; when emotional, physical, and chemical stress is put on the body everyday, it can slowly and gradually bend, alter and change the positioning of the spine. Every degree of misalignment can influence our health negatively and it brings us closer towards pain and suffering. As spinal function deteriorates away from ideal and we lose that great function of motion and movement of the spine, inflammation starts to build and scar tissue starts to form. This combination of lack of movement/motion and scar tissue/inflammation wrecks havoc on the spine and nerves and results in dysfunction leading to warning signals in our health.

The ability to adapt to stress factors is enhanced with chiropractic care!

Getting adjusted routinely is upkeep for the system because it removes the stress, tension and pressure that the work hard, play hard, daily stressors create in our life.

Health is wealth, so invest daily!

Sleep, Exercise, Nutrition/Hydration, Positive Mindset, Community and Love, Vitamin D and fresh air, recovery practices (Chiropractic care for a healthy spine and nervous system, massage, acupuncture, yoga, stretching, meditation, ice/heat).

We do have massage availability every day we are open.

We do have acupuncture availability every week as well.

Office hours

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

11-2 and 3-7





My goal is to provide the best chiropractic care possible to each patient that steps into the office optimizing natural health while also providing health education to practice at home as well.

If you would like to make an appointment or have any additional questions, please text

Dr. Jordan at 208-283-5760 or call the office at 949-932-0624.

Johnson Chiropractic

4030 Birch St. 102

Newport Beach, CA 92660


@dr.jordanjohnson on Instagram for health tips

Thank you, Dr. Jordan Johnson, DC

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