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  • Jordan Johnson

Wellness Approach to Flu Season

We are coming upon the time of year when runny noses, colds, and illnesses tend to increase; ie. the "flu season". However when we break down what takes place during this time of year, we can definitely see why this trend happens.

  1. Holidays focused upon eating/drinking more than normal; including more sugary desserts and drinking more alcohol

  2. Less time spent outside getting sunlight and movement

  3. More stress due to end of year and quarter deadlines

  4. Staying out later for family and company parties resulting in less sleep

Add up the combination of less sleep, less movement and sunshine, more stress, more food and drinks (desserts and alcohol) and you get the perfect combination of how to decrease your bodies ability to adapt to life and stress factors. The result is a weakened and run down immune system and a higher probability of getting sick.

Now I am not saying that you can't enjoy yourself this holiday season, but consciously taking the time to think about the choices being made over the next 2 months is key. It definitely doesn't have to be perfect, but we do want to be more consistent focusing on the things that will help strengthen our bodies natural ability to stay healthy during this time of year.

  1. Getting great sleep

  2. Exercise and movement

  3. Focusing on Nutrition and Hydration

  4. Stress Recovery Practices (Chiropractic, massage, acupuncture, yoga, meditation, prayer)

  5. Positive mindset, vitamin D, posture awareness

Lets have a great finish to 2021 and I wish nothing but health, prosperity, and happiness to you and your family during this time of year!

Health is Wealth, so Invest Daily!

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